Kate and I at Chicago's Big Star |
Hello to all of my Chick 101 readers! Yes, I know, I know, it's been a while. And we've been busy over here, let me tell you. Mike and I just got back from a week in Chicago visiting my sister and brother-in-law. We even looked at houses (well, I mean, mostly condos, duplexes, townhouses and the like...IN the city) to buy. Yep, that's right. And although everyone warns me (severely, I might add) about the cold weather, I have to say, we happened to visit on the record-breaking heatwave of the century. Meaning...103 temps for more than 3 days in a row. Listen. We SO handled it!! Don't we look cute? There is never a better time for naps in the air conditioning than in 103 degree weather. And sleeping in! Ahhh, how I've missed you, Sleeping In!! We even went to the beach one day and got caught in a massive, hurricane-like thunderstorm that appeared, literally, out of the clear blue sky. First time I've seen lightning (and lightning bugs!!) in a few years. I, for one, am ready for Weather.
Lightning McQueen! Cars Land, Disneyland |
After Chicago, we went back to our girls at my parents' house in Orange County. Mike went back to work for the week, Laila and I put our Disneyland annual passes to great use for three days. Amazingly, for the first few days, Orange County was hot, humid, and inundated with random summer storms. Let's just say that cotton candy and rain don't go together so well. But hey, I asked for summer and I got SUMMER. Holy Hell.
Now we are back in reality...which is pretty boring after a trip like that. I have two more little vacays left before the end of summer--a girls trip to Miami and then back down to Disneyland for a bit before school starts. I'll keep you posted. Stay tuned for Chick 101 videos coming this football season! I've missed you...until next time!